Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Ghost Chained to the Past, Present and Future

The GTOs have always been a huge inspiration for us. For those who aren't familiar, the GTOs (Girls Together Outrageously) were a group of wild child groupie girls that pranced around the Sunset Strip in the late 1960s tantalizing our favorite rock stars with their darling and daring personalities and style. Not so much musicians as they were performers, Frank Zappa believed in and encouraged the girls to explore their art as he did with many others. He produced their one and only album Permanent Damage, backed by a pretty impressive band that included Jeff Beck, Rod Stewart and Davy Jones. Here's our tribute to the fabulous dolls that are the GTOs. 


 One of my personal favorite songs from the album (I suggest you listen while scrolling through these photos!):








Photographer: Nicole  Espina
Makeup: Jessica Ross
Wardrobe: Gypsy Stardust and Baby Strange Vintage
Models: Miss Jenea, Miss Sarah, Miss Leah, Miss Emily and Miss Kaida. 

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